Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To being best friends forever...

Since childhood, I have never had good luck in finding friends. I had many people to hangout with, but I guess they were never really my friends in the true sense of the word. Mostly, I used to cling to them, give them a lot of love, just to be ignored in return. People enjoyed being around me, 'coz I made them laugh, but no one really made me their own, as I did with them. So, now I come to why this post was conceived in the first place.
I am going to tell you the story of how I found my BFF. Yeah, that sounds filmy and cheesy, but I don't care.
Her name is Sukanya. She was in my school since junior years, but I never really knew her. Yeah, I had heard she was the 'Karate Kid'. And tomboyish with cropped hair. Who cared? I was too busy with my fair-weathered friends to take notice of others.
It was in ninth grade that my life changed. That too in a moment. I already had many friends, but the closest one was in a different section. Sukanya though, by the grace of God, happened to be in mine. She'd been having some conflicts with her buddies (that is none of my business), and was politely abandoned. :/ One fine day, in class our teacher asked her why she always sat alone. She calmly replied that it was because no one was sitting with her. I can't really recall what happened after that, but I ended up raising my hand (only one to do so), and asking my teacher if I could go and sit with her. To tell you the truth it was not because I felt some unseen attraction towards her or anything, it was simply because she seemed lonely, and I having suffered the same thing before, wanted to console her and make her smile. She could have been any other girl, but thank god, it was her. We became partners after that, and we gelled pretty well. We didn't share any similar interests but still something kept us together. Initially, she wasn't my closest pal. I still used to spend most of the break time with my other friends, but I'd take her to accompany me. I don't really remember when we became so close and eventually inseparable.
One thing I remember and something that she will ALWAYS vouch for is our fights during the school excursion. Seriously, I don't remember the reasons, but we used to squabble on petty things, yelling at each other some days, creating a scene on others. But we never stopped talking to each other. Uncannily, we could not stay angry at each other. We may have quarreled and hated each other, but soon after we were back to normal. :P
Anyway, days went by and our friendship grew stronger. A relationship is kind of like stone. As the preliminary days go by, so does the sediments accumulate. Then the rock solidifies as time goes, so that those layers are now indistinguishable, and all you have is a huge thing that is unbreakable. And then there are the challenges. Just like heat and pressure metamorphoses rock, the same way challenges make a relationship stronger.
If I were to describe what I have with her, I guess I just could not. You know you reach a point where no matter what happens you are always there for each other. We may not speak for a month, but still our moments of joy and sadness are both incomplete unless we share it with that person. I figure that is what you mean by family. It is when you have no insecurities, no doubt about the loyalty of the other person towards you, and vice versa. You can be at ease, you can be yourself. 'Coz they accept you with your flaws and you accept them with theirs. It is a wonderful feeling. I hope everyone has the chance to feel it in their lives.
So, here's to being best friends forever, Suku! :* xoxo
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