Sansa Stark:
In Winterfell- I wanted to portray Sansa's naivete through her eyes, which are sharp blue like her mother's. For her original Winterfell look, I tried to incorporate both Stark and Tully colors, because she is such a perfect amalgamation of those two cultures. I went with a dark teal blue velvet gown over a lighter teal textured kirtle, and wrapped it up with a light gray woollen cloak secured with a silver brooch. The cuts of the dress are simple to match with the austerity of the North. Her auburn hair is left loose with a few draped braids that gives an elven flair to her look.
At King's Landing- I wanted Sansa's look in the Red Keep to stand in stark contrast to her earlier style. Although the fabric is now silk brocade, the gown is figure hugging, the neckline is fancier, the sleeves are much longer, and she wears earrings, Sansa still tries to incorporate some authenticity into the outfit. So the color is blue (albeit a bright royal blue) and the dress has lace piping in pale grey. She has a braided high bun with open locks in the style of the court ladies, but she adds a draped braid in front as a nod to her heritage.
In the Vale- As Alayne, Sansa's style takes a turn, due to the disguise she has to put on and her impending puberty. Her hair is dyed brown and in a hairstyle that juxtaposes childishness and maturity. As her body grows, her neckline also dips slightly and she dons simpler gowns as befits a bastard. The colour of her gown is a subtle nod to her realising her subconscious desires for Sandor, whose house colours are yellow, and she accessorizes it with a simple thread necklace.
Arya Stark:
In Winterfell- Arya looks more distinctly Stark and I wanted to dress her to match her eye and house colour. She wears a dark grey corseted surcoat over a pale grey kirtle and drapes a fur trimmed charcoal cape over it. She also wears her open hair with some braided accents, but hers is more cropped than Sansa's.
In Braavos- As Cat of the Canals, she wears her hair in two top buns in the Braavosi style. Her blouse, corseted waistcoat and skirt are all in shades of beige and brown to reflect the setting. I love that she still looks very much a Stark.
Catelyn Stark:
At Winterfell- Similar to Sansa, I wanted Catelyn to also embrace both sides of her identity and incorporate grays and blues into her wardrobe. I dressed her in a dark blue woollen dress, in the style of the Riverlands, but trimmed in gray fur to keep the cold at bay. Her red hair is fully braided, which is how I think adult women in the North wear their hair, and she wears a silver chain with a moonstone pendant to complete her outfit.
Daenerys Targaryen:
With the Dothraki- I wanted Daenerys to have a uniquely beautiful face and piercing violet eyes. She wears the Dothraki vest and skirt made from something like raw linen, and her hair is beautifully braided in their style. She has not asserted her own identity yet.
In Qarth- Here she can dress a bit more lavishly so she chooses a beautiful lilac silk gown that matches her eyes perfectly. Her gown and hairdo are both Qarthian in style, because she is trying to fit in to their culture so she can get what she wants from them.
In Mereen- Once she becomes the Queen of Mereen, and her dragons are grown enough she gradually embraces her true Targaryen nature. She is dressed here in a oxblood gown with black leather accents, that looks stunning against her pale white skin and hair, and also harks to her house colours. A spiked torque necklace and silver crown encrusted with garnets complete her regal outfit. I love how she looks like a innocent child and fierce ruler all at once.

Arianne Martell:
At Sunspear- Keeping Dorne in mind, I thought of incorporating rich jewel tones and lightweight fabrics into Arianne's look. I went with purple, which along with the gold accents in her jewellery creates a royal aesthetic. I gave her Hispanic/South Asian features, and the flowy cut-out sleeves with the half up-half down messy hairstyle embodies the free-spirited nature of the Dornish people.

Cersei Lannister:
In King's Landing- Red and gold feature prominently in Cersei's wardrobe, and she dresses in an opulent fashion as befits her position as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She wears a layered silk gown with a corseted waist, oversleeves and a brocade surcoat over a voluminous skirt. I chose angular features for her face to emphasize her ruthlessness, added gold and ruby jewellery and an exaggerated updo to give her a commanding presence.

Brienne of Tarth:
In the Riverlands- I wanted to preserve Brienne's innocence in her countenance even though she is a soldier. I gave her short blonde hair, freckles and a stubby nose to make her look plain. She wears her chainmail and an engraved breastplate over a tunic and britches, with a leather belt to carry her pouch and knife. In her hand is Oathkeeper, given to her by Jaime.

Margaery Tyrell:
In the Reach- I wanted Margaery's style to be slightly flirty and feminine to reflect her personality. She wears a shoulder baring cambric kirtle underneath a embroidered velvet bustier overskirt, and sleeve ties. Her hair is also kept mostly open because she is young, and she wears gold and emerald earrings to compliment her outfit.

Beyond the Wall- I tried to emphasize Ygritte's unkempt and wild beauty, especially with that bright fire coloured hair. She wears a simple woollen dress that has grayed with wear, and tops it with a patched animal hide and fur cloak, and braided rope belt.

On Dragonstone- I wanted Melisandre to look racially different from the rest because she comes from Essos. The fire priestess wears an off the shoulder gown and long sleeves that emphasizes her seductive and mysterious nature. The blood red of the gown compliments her even redder hair. At her neck is her magical ruby choker that preserves her eternal youth.

In Mereen- Being from the island of Naath, Missandei also looks racially distinct from the rest. After leaving Astapor and becoming a close confidante to Daenerys, she now dresses appropriately for her position. Her hair is styled traditionally in the style of her homeland and she wears a suede and linen dress with oversleeves and an underbust vest in shades of bluish gray. She also wears one dangly earring as her people often do.

Lyanna Stark:
In Winterfell- I gave young Lyanna very similar features to Arya with longer hair. She is dressed for a casual day of playing with her brothers in a dark gray woolen dress in the loose Northern style with a belted blue overskirt and pale gray feather mantle.

All characters were created using the Rinmaru medieval woman dress up game:
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